For admissions to BA/B.Sc for the session 2024, click here for registration. The last date is 5th September 2024 (Midnight). This is the final chance for admission to these courses. | For admissions to M.Com for the session 2024, click here for registration. The last date is 5th September 2024 (Midnight). This is the final chance for admission to these courses.

Anti Ragging Camping

DGC has been able to maintain a "Ragging free campus" over last seven years and by the Grace of God no case of ragging has been came into notice for implementing the same and accomplishing this difficult task we have received endless from the students and their parents we also hope that we will continue to receive the same direction from the parents in the forthcoming years to come. Today the ragging has become synonym with teasing , harassment, fear, physical and mental torture fess or cruelty and abuse of human rights of fresher which are resulting in numerous unavoidable Deaths , group clashes wrifticts, suicides and large number of fresher dropouts.

DGC takes ragging as a cognizable and heinous offence and will not hesitate to take stern action against the offenders with a view to maintain "Ragging Free Campus". We also inform our students of the University rulings and state rules against ragging through the newspaper cutting which is displayed on the notice board punishment for the students.

  • Fine up to Rs25, 000/
  • Suspension from attending classes.
  • With holding of results.
  • Withholding with drawing of scholarship and other benefits.
  • Lodging FIR against offender.
  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Suspension from the institute for varying periods.
  • Point Debarring form appearing for any test/examination and also from attending the lectures.
  • Debarring from representing the institute in any National or International meet, tournament & festival.

Your co-operation in maintaining "Ragging free Campus" will go along way in enhancing the image of Doon Ghati College of Professional Education.